The Digital Oath at the UN

Today the Digital Oath will be proposed as a best practice in the United Nations panel entitled “AI: A Pathway to Global Peace and Integral Human Development.”

The Digital Oath will be presented as a best practice by Marianne Najm in the United Nations panel entitled “AI: A Pathway to Global Peace and Integral Human Development.” The event will take place today 21st February, from 19.15 to 20.30 CET, and will be transmitted via the UN TV channel:

In His message on the 47th World Day of Peace, Pope Francis highlighted the need for responsible AI development to promote human dignity and advance the common good.

The event – organized by New Humanity NGO in collaboration with the Holy See Mission at the UN and NetOne – seeks to facilitate a comprehensive dialogue on the ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence, drawing upon Pope Francis’ above-mentioned message on the theme of AI, to direct techno-scientific research towards the pursuit of peace and the common good, in service to the integral development of individuals and communities.

Among the key speakers: Fr. Philip Larrey, PhD, Laura Gherlone, PhD, and Fr. Paolo Benanti, PhD.

Fr. Philip Larrey of the Pontifical Lateran University in the Vatican has been following the philosophical implications of the rapid development of artificial intelligence for years. He has published several books concerning the effects of the new digital era on society. His last book, Artificial Humanity, proposes a philosophical discussion of what AI research means for all of humanity.

Laura Gherlone is a permanent researcher of semiotics and literature at the Center for Comparative Literature (Dep. of Humanities) of the Argentinean National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).

Paolo Benanti teaches at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the University of Seattle, and serves as an advisor to Pope Francis on the topics of artificial intelligence and the ethics of technology.